When we arrived at the hospital to work the next morning WOW everyone was dressed up with beautiful make up on the women and a proper hat matching the kaftan for the men. The villagers would be heard complaining. Vacations were more often a trip to a cottage on a lake or ocean by car. They are composed of two children (Anthropology, 2021). As my partner reminded me, she had experienced plenty of catcalls on the streets of New York and harassment related to her gender and race growing up in a suburb of Washington, DC. Politicians know this and therefore turn such functions into impromptu political rallies. The most common greeting is the handshake. Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press. We eat that meal for a week and Thanksgiving left overs are the highlight of our year. Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. 1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA.+44 0330 027 0207 or +1 (818) 532-6908, 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK.1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA.+44 0330 027 0207+1 (818) 532-6908. Some of these must be jammies. I remember commenting to my mom that visitors had stayed too long. NO ONE THROWS THE TURKEY AWAY. In this video I explain all the things that I have struggled to understand all these differences since moving to Kenya! Cultural Differences Between USA and Kenya, Culture is defined as the way in which people go about their daily lives. "My mother is in her mid-fifties and she still gets harassed.". Even if you have paid your house off, the property taxes will be paid until you sell off the property, an income that will still be taxed. Only in the summer would girls pretend to be wearing some handkerchiefs around their waists. Little do they know it comes from a lifetime of handshaking in Kenya! One language alone, Luhya, is constituted by sixteen dialects. If so, hold your hands over the basin while water is poured over them. You are truly ridiculous..exactly what is wrong with that? Enough said. A more peculiar phenomenon accompanying the extreme traffic is the prevalence of street hawkers walking up and down city streets and highways and selling just about anything you can think of. The American style advocates for elderly home care. Again, serial monogamy and polygamy are similar to me. What would you prefer, 1. In the family set-up, another interesting element is how men are expected to express their love to their spouses; according to Joel, men show their love by battling their wives. The key differences between the American and Kenyan cultures are. If the relationship is intimate the communication style will become more direct. WebThe one major difference that Ive noticed is that even though the Czech Republic has a lot of religious imagery most Czechs arent religious. Muslim men/women do not always shake hands with women/men. I must acknowledge, though, that many people dont see the portions as huge; they see it as enough. A Kenyan will greet you animatedly in the morning when you meet, at noon during lunch break, and in the evening when you meet at Magomano for a drink. You will attune your ear to the version spoken here. Web645 Dislike Share Save. While you are likely to have some cultural mix-ups as an American visiting European countries, it's nothing compared to Africa, where things seem to work completely differently from the US. In all, I celebrate the two cultures I bestride, because they make me richer and wiser. This results in wide-ranging cultural differences even for closely neighbouring countries. Any restaurant in those countries will provide you silverware but as someone who routinely gets down and dirty with barbecue, I didn't mind. Harassment of women is not exclusive to Arab society. So true about the handshake. Let me be clear. On the other hand those whose professions require dressing do really clean up well and in quality. If this was Ngugi wa Thiogo Or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I think such critism would be fair. Having lived my childhood, young adult and part of adult life in different parts of Kenya, and then living across the pond these last few years, I have observed quiet a number of cultural differencesand similarities between the two spaces that needs mentioning. When conducting a prayer he is expected to bow down and not look upright at the mountain just in case he sees the face of God whom they call Ngai, which Joel explains means the giver of life and distributor of wealth (Sobania, 2003). Food and drink > Alcohol > Alcohol consumed from > Homemade and illegal drinks. WebThe data for each country can be found here: Kenya and United States Native languages Religions Data inventory and updates A country comparison like this can be based on Mom's stayed home with the children. Saudi Arabia is a Middle East country that has undergone a rapid economic growth rate in the recent past. The psychologist(Reaearcher) also told me that most likely you were abused by another kikuyu growing up. NO ONE should ever just drop in without a phone call to allow us to tidy up the house. Personal values, attributes, ideologies, beliefs, and religion are elements of culture. That doesn't mean you have to. Not only are these foods inexpensive to buy, but by buying them one is promoting the local economy and directly helping someone to support their families. It includes relatives on both sides of the family as well as close friends. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. I once saw a notice in a restaurant, "After eating leave within five minutes." AU Nairobi | Kenyan Culture | American University, Washington, DC Forty-two is the official number. As a Mom we LIVE in yoga pants, leggings and ballet slippers or "trainers" which we call "sneakers" or "tennis shoes" or "tennies". While I was visiting Business Insider's Lagos office in January, there was a power outage followed by the office building's generator breaking. The African Americans behave so much differently thatn their European Americans in terms of how they handle such things as time and eating as the writer portrays the America he interacted with. Before marriage, dating couples are not expected to express their love; they are not supposed to go into the streets showing that they love each other. You need to take Yoga or meditation classes if you take such stories so seriously. Christians tend to be concentrated in the west and central sections of the country while Muslims cluster in the eastern coastal regions. Sukuma Wiki (push week in Swahili) Kenyan staple; originally named when used to push through the week because there wasnt enough money to afford anything else. In Nairobi there are a large number of food options that you might expect to see in America. Githeri Kikuyu staple; beans and corn mixed together, with our without another vegetable. Take the time to inquire about the other persons general well-being, family, and business in general. The term is an umbrella that encompasses behavior, May 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/cultural-differences-kenyans-malaysians-chinese-and-americans/. Here in America many people dont look at being fat as a good thing. Mzee Moja leo kweli umenichekesha! Mzee Moja, take a walk into the black community and interact more with them if you can and you can see no. Comparatively, those in Kenya have better quality of life. Did you read about those guys who would rather die of illnesses than let a cow that died of ECF go to waste. It is no wonder to see a girl nurse changing inside her car at the hospital parking lot; because she did not have time to do so between her two jobs. It's a younger sister to racism, tribalism, clanism and many other forms of -isms. Even some presidential functions takes minutes, na watu wanaenda shughuli. Wait for the Kenyan to determine that your friendship has reached this level of intimacy. 2.5. This is a humorous light piece of writing and not in the least, intellectual. Therefore, they may make offerings to them or name a baby after one so that his spirit can live in the child. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another; culture is not static, undergoes various adjustments and changes. "As an Egyptian woman, you spend your entire life dealing with sexual violence," an Egyptian woman told Der Spiegel. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. It made me laugh. Serving the University of Rochester Community Since 1873. You can imagine standing to answer to an old mama how you night was, how your family is faring, your domestic animals, your bicycle, that uncle of yours who lives in Nairobi, on and on. Around half the population are Christians, 10% Muslim and there are small Hindu and Sikh minorities. I think President Moi had learnt some important lessons from Wazungu; he would attend various functions in a day and always kept time. Do not be surprised if a conversation you thought you are a part of winds up in another language. I once lived in a place where a Chinese contractor was constructing the firs tarmac road in the district. Americans waste a lot of food Make no mistake, the sheer amount of food wasted in one county in the USA per day is 2. Everyone is wearing them. I think you could have done abetter article for education purposes. While traveling in Egypt and Morocco in December and January, my partner experienced harassment and verbal abuse related to both her gender and her race and was even followed particularly when I was not with her on the street. The balance of the population follows traditional African, often animist, beliefs. 3 times more than United States. In the process of socialization, human beings adopt a certain culture; culture is defined as commonly experienced attributes and traits that can be seen in a homogenous group of people mostly living within the same locality. Weak signals and poor reception are common challenges, especially in the rural areas. The United States of America is a metropolitan country with an influx of people from different parts of the world; the different nationalities have different experiences in life and thus their culture differs from the American style. He just made an observation and put pen to paper. WebIn Kenya, that number is 7.1% of people as of 2016. live 10.9 years less In United States, the average life expectancy is 81 years (78 years for men, 83 years for women) as of And how would you categorize traditional Pokot dressing in Nasokol, West Pokot District or the Turkana far up by the border with South Sudan? THANKS FOR READING OUR GUIDE TO KENYA! With time I realized that most of the foods here are either greasy, sugared or artificially flavored. Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans. To submit feedback, or to report an issue, email the Web Staff at online@campustimes.org. You've simply written about the obvious, uninteresting stuff. Explore similarities and differences. I did appreciate that trdation which I had lost since coming to the US. The Kenyan Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Kenyans waste time greeting and eating A Kenyan will greet you Back in Kenya, every morsel of the huge Ugali and Sukuma wiki must be accounted for. Ninety minutes? Fresh Fruit bananas, mangos, passion fruit, and other deliciousness is colorful and plentiful. 1 Jan. 2020 https://commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/afghanistan-guide, Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. This is, not the case in the United States. ?So I like tour culture of having pple who atleast seems concerned on how ur doing.I always say barabara za rami,buildings kubwa,speaking English ,wood houses don't make USA/Europe better.In the quoted countries divorce rate is upto 70%,abusing drugs,sucide n depression n stress!but in Africa is very minimal. May 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/cultural-differences-kenyans-malaysians-chinese-and-americans/. what life is like in countries and cities around the world. In America we say to our children "do not waste food, there are children starving in India." In general, Kenyans give gifts for events of significance in a persons life or days of religious significance. She came back two hours later, exhausted from the harassment and apprehensive about going out without me for the rest of our time there. It is the largest Arab country in the world. I didn't expect to, but I experienced the corruption firsthand. Therefore, it is a good idea to provide a historical framework or context when attempting to introduce a new idea or process. WebThese cultures are the American and Kenyan cultures, and their point of comparison and contrast would be on the issues of money and success and sex and marriage. 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK. Typically, with both dishes, a large platter is placed in the center of the table, and each person takes turns either rolling balls of couscous or using pieces of Moroccan bread to scoop up pieces of meat or sop up sauce. 1.93K subscribers. Equal intelligence is a, Which of the following statements concerning the external validity of Single-Subject Research experiments is true? Any function or meeting that lasts more than 30 minutes is frowned upon. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020). Men in ill-fitting suits and poorly tied ties, boots, mtumba sneakers, NBA and European clubs T-shirts. In Kenya, about 17.8% do as of 2018. be 28.7% less likely to have access to improved drinking water. Na T-shirt. Sometimes it feels as if you're in a slow-moving mall. More if you take dialects into account. WebAn intensive virtual programme designed for leaders and consultants interested in using Organisational Culture as a tool of management and change. Most work places are business casual and even jeans. I think a lot of people writing comments need to chill out. The banks ambiance has a therapeutic effect to some of us. Poor Moody Awori tried to introduce the National Dress, we told him, why fix something thats not broken. Each tribe is further divided into clans Three Cultural Differences Between Kenya and The USA 1. Football (soccer) is very popular in Kenya with many people supporting a European team. Photo taken in Nairobi by Lorenzo Cerato on Unsplash. Mzee moja tried his best but I critical think I can comment is the way He said Americans brush their teeth in the car,Always jumping from this job to the other or changing kids diapers in the car?? In the case of husband death, when the property of the deceased is being divided among the relatives, the wife is taken as one of the properties and is inherited by a younger man in the family; however, this practice only happens to people of the age below forty-five. I moved to the US almost a year ago from Kenya and these my biggest culture shocks and main differences I noticed Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. As someone who likes to take their time leaving a hotel, I found this was a hard cultural shift to get used to. 2 and more on them. (2021) 'Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans'. Do not let the spirit of hate (tribalism) possess you. My reason is simple; a trip to the Emergency Room from food poisoning is way more expensive than another trip to the grocery store!!! Ranked 65th. Handshakes are the most common greeting in business. Ts called the rat race coz the winner is still a rat! We sip and bite as slow as possible until we finish reading the Nation newspaper tied to the table with a steel chain by the restaurant owner for reasons better known to you and me. Chai - Kenyan style tea, made with black tea leaves, whole fat milk, and sugar (sukari). This is not ancestor worship per se, but rather a belief that when someone dies their spirit lives on and must be acknowledged. If Americans were gods, they would make a 29 hour day. Pilau - Indian origins; rice, typically with goat meat, with lots of spices that might include cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. In fact, a majority of Czechs are atheist. (2021, May 5). The largest ethnic group in Kenya is the Kikuyu people (22%). In America Spanish is one of the only other languages spoken. Much of the country lacks a power grid, and even in Lagos, the business hub, power can go off for hours at a time without notice. Do you think we dress like actors and actresses? If invited to dinner at a Kenyans home, bring pastries, flowers, or sweets for the hostess. One of the most dominant cultural differences seen between most American and Saudi Arabian people is religion; Saudi Arabia has the worlds largest number of Muslims and has deep roots and practice the religion to shape their destiny. Yes, I do agree we throw a lot of food out.In high school I worked at McDonalds and after the food was cooked and no one bought it, we had to throw it away after 20 minutes. In certain villages, the villagers would be very upset if the Catholic Father ends a burial ceremony by 11AM. I agree, there is a lot of food wastage around here. StudyCorgi. It is like walking in on someone naked. When greeting an elder or someone of higher status, grasp the right wrist with the left hand while shaking hands to demonstrate respect. The harassment isn't limited to foreigners and tourists. To rush a greeting is extremely rude. This cultures present may not only distinguish them from each others, but there are some things in It is that diversity that makes America great. While traffic in Cairo isn't quite as bad, it far outpaces traffic issues in any American city outside of maybe Los Angeles. In the United States, families are relatively, smaller in size. Especially Muranga men and their love for the Cowboy hats. Thereafter, in my various interactions I realized that America has different standards of measurement from most of the world. While each country had a distinct culture and customs, I experienced many culture clashes while visiting Africa. When you start traveling, you realize that the American, or Western, way of doing things is just as strange to people from other cultures as theirs may seem to us. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. 2022 All Rights Reserved. The author needs to do more research if he tryly wants to display the American culture as it is. As time is money, those who waste time on trivialities, daily rituals and ceremonial greetings are bound to lack in good things of life. We almost cherish pangaring queues in banks, hospitals, everywhere. These mainly consist of tribal African languages as well as a minority of Middle-Eastern and Asian languages spoken by descendants of foreign settlers (i.e. Be cognitive of the fact you too speak with an accent that may not be familiar. Mr. Bean did not just create his memes from the air. When greeting someone with whom you have a personal relationship, the handshake is more prolonged than the one given to a casual acquaintance. Ati Kenyans wasting time in eating and greetings? https://studycorgi.com/cultural-differences-kenyans-malaysians-chinese-and-americans/. Also discuss any future, Question 1 The profit-maximizing firm equates the marginal benefit of labor to the marginal __________. Kenyans love carbohydrates! Back home, food is served in moderate portions so that if one needed more, they could always ask for more. Countries in Africa have a reputation for widespread corruption. Remember Wahome Mutahi's writing? We all know that Africa is a huge continent and cultures vary from country to country but here are some of the general differences that one will notice when dating a traditional African man: As a left-handed person, I found this difficult to get used to. When being introduced to someone for the first time, the handshake is short, while handshakes among people with a personal relationship are longer. Learn more. Kachumbari - Kenyan version of salsa. The American's life in his/her car is a matter of survival. Irio Kikuyu staple; mashed peas and potato mixed together with maize. Present and receive business cards with two hands. Nigeria has a long history as a place perceived, by both its citizens and outsiders, as incredibly corrupt. It is similar in Morocco, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries. Every hotel had a strict 10 a.m. checkout. Regions and countries They may ask questions until they feel comfortable and are able to proceed satisfactorily. Most Kenyans interweave native beliefs into a traditional religion. Time. There are also the Nilotic tribes such as the Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai and Turkana. The Hamitic people include the Turkana, Rendille and Samburu. We could not give it to charity as there might be a law suit if someone got sick from it. I will admit that in the beginning, I definitely suffered from culture shock. According to the population census of 2009, the population of the administrative region stands at 7.4 million with 95% being of Chinese origin and the remaining 5% being other nationalities and tribes. I Its geography extends from the warm coastal waters of the Indian Ocean to volcanic mountains in the Great Rift Valley to the lacustrine highlands near the largest freshwater lake on the continent. Most businesses and major complexes like hotels, company campuses, or schools have their own diesel generators that kick on when the power goes out, but sometimes generators break. In United States, 3.9% of adults are unemployed as of 2018. Masala chips - French fries coated with a tomato base and plenty of spices. The first thing I ate on arriving was pepperoni pizza. Long, D. (2005). They can be comparatively as If you know that you are going to visit someone's house for lunch, it is advisable to warn them beforehand so they do not go to the expense of purchasing meat. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. In Kenya, there are only four telephone service providers. And by the way, what exactly did you want to convey in this piece? Some people literally live and love in their cars. In Cairo, Egypt, my partner went for a walk one morning. With this in mind, criticism should be delivered in private and given in a circumspect manner. Blue jeans, faded jeans, torn jeans, sagging jeans, mom jeans. And most other African countries are also the same. Keep them coming mate, a good laugh goes a long way! I suspect there will be a lot of comments about this entry - I shall await to read all the observations from this since personally it all depends For instances , in the part of USA I reside, i do not witness all those jeans and t-shirts - just saying :-), In reply to @Guesthehehe..hata by Mwakilishi. But methinks we are lovers of taking life at a stride. Joel is a Kikuyu, according to the culture of the tribe, men are the breadwinners of the family; this is to imply that whether a woman is working or not, the man should provide for the family. @Sam NgugiKenyans especially in cities mimic western dressing n mannerisms.Nigerians r better dressers than KenyaTanzanians too..especially Tanzanian women. Unless they are eating South Asian food not many other spices are used. The ceremony will involve the slaughtering of a goat or a sheep has to please the gods. Or a host of other greetings, some slang, depending on what part of Nairobi or Kenya you are in and who you are hanging out with. We are too busy to do our hair. The reason being that the Americans are serial polygamists- meaning they may have multiple lovers in their lifetimes. Kale boiled and fried with tomatoes, onions and oil. cost of labor production units of labor profit question 2 Salaries for professions (such as, An accounting project. - Often (not always) Pan-European oriented - Strong influence from American culture - More openly Pagan - Cultural/Spiritual movement instead of a Political Party What else?

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