I did experiment with SARMs about 6 months ago, after I got bloodwork done just before I did that and my natural levels were basically more or less identical to what you see above. Week 1-12: Test E 750 mg. Week 1-12: Equipoise 700 mg. Week 1-4: Dbol 40 mg per day. After the anastrozole, symptoms have calmed down and I hold way less water on my frame too. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. These bloods were taken with no AI. However, it isnt uncommon for individuals to overshoot the Estrogen sweet spot, and tank their Estrogen without even knowing it. My doctor prescribed me 200mg of test and 1mg of anastrozole , split every 3.5 days. For the most part, its been great. Your IP: Insane productivity, like coming out of depression (I wasn't depressed) almost and looking around and realizing all the stuff I've been neglecting to do, then doing it immediately because why not. WebMost people on TRT do not need AIs. Anyway I've learned a lot from reading here on Reddit and figured I'd share this as a way of saying thanks and maybe helping someone else. WebFirst cycle should be test only. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. If you don't need an AI though and your body is extremely efficient at balancing androgens relative to estrogens, then by all means, push the Testosterone Week 1-12: Arimidex 0.5 mg per day. Nowadays, AIs are treated almost as on-cycle essentials, and are simply a necessity just like your multivitamin you pop each day is. If your Estrogen is too low, then you need to slightly lower your AI dose, or switch to a weaker one and start the titration process over again. Then, after actually getting on TRT, another challenge often rears its ugly head, and that is Estrogen control, and how to go about doing it safely and most effectively. Add a Comment. Cycle #2 300mg/wk Primo, 100mg/day Proviron, 300mg/wk Test Prop for 10 weeks. The body recognises it has a surplus and tells the testes that they don't need to produce any more! Cookie Notice Go onto Excelmale or the Privacy Policy. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. WebIf you inject 200mg of test a week your natural production will be near 0. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ib00sti 2 yr. ago. while running approx. Heres an example of what Im talking about: Hey guys, newbie to AAS here and wanted to run my cycle by you guys and see if you have any feedback or changes you would make. 6' 1" male at ~169 pounds pre, 174 pounds current. TRT is a game changer - 100 mg/wk Test-C - Pre and Post Bloodwork, Scan this QR code to download the app now. I've been prescribed this through an endocrinologist and not one of these TRT clinics that seem to be popular, so I only pay $30 a month for the medication, plus $10-20 here and there for bloodwork and doctor's visits. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 200mg I really dont need any anti-e's unless Im reversing some sensitive nipples from a big cycle before. Scan this QR code to download the app now. If I did start to get symptoms of high E2, what AI would you recommend and what dosage? WebFor eg starting with 200:200 mg per week. 200 mgs per week is too high to start out with on TRT. Agreed^^^When I just TRT of 200mg of test c a week, I need an AI. Most normal otherwise healthy men who have low serum levels due to age related decline and exhibit symptoms don't need 200 mg a week. if your TRT is 125 mg per week for example, and your doctor is giving you 0.5 mg of Arimidex twice per week, and after several weeks utilizing that protocol you get a blood test and your Estrogen levels show that you have a 5.5 pg/ml reading, you are using too much Arimidex, and probably shouldn't even be using Arimidex in the first place as such a little amount of it is crashing your Estrogen and it is too powerful of an AI for your particular needs. First was 500 mg test cyp per week and 50 mg Anavar per week. One colossal mistake I see widespread among bodybuilders and recreational enhanced lifters is that they have a predetermined dosage set for their Aromatase Inhibitor (AI). Cycle #4 40-60mg/day Anavar, 300mg/wk Primo, 300 mg/wk Test Prop for 10 weeks. Hello everyone. BBiceps Well-known member Awards 4 Oct 12, 2020 #11 I use 1mg on 200mg Test C a week, it kept my estro fairly low (not too low), without it my estro got high (a couple Most men do well on If you start to get too far above this level, you can start to experience symptoms of high Estrogen. For more information, please see our BBiceps Well-known member Awards 4 Oct 5, 2021 Common symptoms of high estrogen include: These are all quite unpleasant side effects, and it isnt uncommon to experience several of them at once if your estrogen levels remain too high or low. If you have any of the traditional symptoms of high estrogen or low estrogen, you should first and foremost get blood work with a sensitive assay test to see where your estrogen levels lie. Symptoms: Worsening libido and exercise recovery over the past three years, eventually to the point where it interfered with my life too much (couldn't recover from cycling which is the main thing I do). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Some labs use a standard assay test, which is tailored for women almost exclusively, so you would be wise to request the sensitive assay version. Privacy Policy. 200mg is kinda high. Weeks 1-6 40mg/day Dbol (split throughout day) Weeks 7-12 100mg/eod Trenbolone. WebCurrent dosing 0.25 mL of 200 mg/mL testosterone cypionate E3.5D (100 mg/week) intramuscular, vastus lateralis, using a 29 gauge insulin syringe. I'd appreciate some feedback, especially from those of you with experience running NPP. Then, for the next 8 weeks hes completely off of Dbol and adds in Anavar at the end for 4 weeks. Question whether SARMS will help me or not. My natural test levels are about 700 ng/dl, for anyone thats wondering. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. For more information, please see our If your Estrogen is too high, then you need to slightly increase your AI dose, or switch to a stronger one and start the titration process over again. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. If you are getting more than 200 mg per week, that is getting into gray area IMO. Start with a reasonable AI dose, maybe half a mg eod and after a few weeks, maybe a month, get blood work and really understand what's happening inside your body brotha, By ftfaaa in forum Anabolic Steroids and PEDs, By ben01 in forum Anabolic Steroids and PEDs, By karimsins in forum Anabolic Steroids and PEDs, By Actionman in forum Anabolic Steroids and PEDs, Need help knowing whether i should take arimidex with 200mg of test cypionate, Evolutionary.org Steroids Research Forums. Most people dont need that much. If you need an ai at 200, maybe that's a lil high for your body. Gotta get bloods done to be sure. Im good with 300mg/wk test e with 25mg proviron ed. Depends on YOUR physiology but you might not need AI at 200. 160mg a week puts me right at the top of range and no ai (e also high but in range). I was planning on adding .5 mg E3D starting with the week 3 injection, which was today, but I'm interested to see what others are running at 200 mg Test/week. For more information, please see our Some guys don't even need an Aromatase Inhibitor at all, which is also something to keep in mind. When used for this purpose, Arimidex is typically introduced in week two of the cycle and taken for the entire length of the cycle at 0.5mg twice a week. Generally, the jobs AI algorithms can do are tasks that require human intelligence to complete, such as pattern and speech recognition, image analysis, and If your doctor is forcing drugs like Arimidex on you, be 100% sure you understand how to interpret your blood work before you start popping pills and hurt yourself. It seems that AI usage has become so commonplace that users dont even bother to understand the purpose of the drug in the first place prior to implementing it into their regimen. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I was planning to run 200mg - 250mg test per week before that anyway. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (PCT) Week 15-17 100mg/day Clomid for the first 10 days, then 50mg/day for 10 more days. For me personally, 75mg twice weekly yielded a tT of 650 and E2 (sensitive) of 25. flow1979 2 yr. ago. I was told the body recognises steroids as if they're testosterone, so the body 'thinks' it has enough testosterone, so stops production. you can conclude that your dosage of AI is satisfactory for the time being. Is it necessary to use an AI on 250mg of test per week? Based on the current blood work that I'm on for 150mg of TRT, if the results were doubled for 300mg, do you think my blood results could indicate a need for an AI? Fucking sucks. This is the point Im trying to drive home with this article. would be offset by the bad. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. need some opinions on whether i should bulk or cut, 200mg of test for 8 to 12 weeks what do I need to take with it? Along with the testosterone I am taking 500iu HCG 2x week. That was the first time I figured out my problems were from testosterone deficiency, and as expected, SARMs massively increased my recovery not just to normal levels but beyond (worthwhile experiment for sure). WebNot really, youll be in a range that you likely need an AI but without high enough test levels to offset the AIso youll either get some solid gyno and sides from high estrogen or youll crater your estrogen and have low estrogen sides. Zero health issues whatsoever, knock on wood. Thanks for the help. Spicy/painful nipples and severe water retention first week or two, which quickly went away (I do have leftover gyno from puberty - I was obese during puberty and most of my life). Total testosterone - 60 nmol/L (1730 ng/dL)Oestradiol - 202 pmol/L (55 pg/mL)(This one didn't come with SHBG sadly), Total testosterone - 45 nmol/L (1300 ng/dL)Oestradiol - 212 pmol/L (57 pg/mL)SHBG - 18 nmol/L. Week 1-12 500mg/week Testosterone Cypionate (Mon/Thur at 250mg), 0.5mg/day Arimidex. I would say .5 EOD see how your body reacts and go It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. After seeing where your Estrogen levels lie, you can decide what dose of AI, and which AI is appropriate to combat those symptoms. Either way is a lose lose. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Keep in mind, Arimistane is the only over the counter Aromatase Inhibitor on that list, the other three are Rx AI's, and can only be obtained via a prescription from your doctor and should only be used under the direction of your doctor. Either drop the HCG or lower your test dose. At this point I've gotten regular bloodwork and seen a really good PCP for years and I have a healthy lifestyle. Libido: From a 0/10 to a 5/10. Privacy Policy. WebPrimo can be run in lower dosages (200mg - 500mg) but really has a fantastic effect when bumped up past 600+ mg a week. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Even with the Test E, after his first couple shots, will there be as much test circulating in his system as there will be once the drug has fully saturated in the blood stream 5 weeks later in the cycle? It isnt rocket science, however, many users seem to have completely neglected to comprehend why they are using an AI in the first place, and what purpose it serves. Started 200 mg Test C/week three weeks ago. no ai needed (I only use 12.5mg asin once a week on 500mg test). Generally, the low end of a blast is around 300mg per week. A few concerns I recently had some blood work done after about 7 weeks of a dosage change from 150mg/week to 200mg/week of test cyp. WebYou can get ripped on 200mg test/week, but it takes time and effort, and you will be a ripped natty guy, not a ripped bodybuilder. I can run 200mg per week with no AI but if I add HCG then my e2 skyrockets which will cause libido issues. If you start to get too far below this level, you can start to experience symptoms of low Estrogen. I made a post not too long ago about taking an AI only instead of directly pinning myself, where I learned that will cause more harm than good. But the strange thing is that as I continued to feel better and my diet and weight's gotten easier and easier to maintain (I'm really not that hungry on average anymore and had decent energy levels until about 8 months ago), I kept feeling worse and worse and my exercise recovery in particular got worse and worse. Arimidex is only approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for The dose seems to be a total waste unless you are at a size when steroids arent needed NoNoNoNot 8 yr. ago. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. On 200 mg a week of test-c you should not need an A.I. Thanks!! If you've read any of my posts about hormones, you probably already know by now how little faith I have in most general doctors when it comes to properly addressing underlying hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. Scan this QR code to download the app now. My luteinizing hormone in my pre-TRT bloodwork was 5.2 mIU/mL (ref range 1.7-8.6), seems to have been an issue with the testes. When I initially started TRT: Immediate mental benefits. I can run 200mg per week with no AI but if I add HCG then my e2 skyrockets which will cause libido issues. Privacy Policy. Id put those low dose cycles against almost anything for a guy looking to get shredded and The goal you should have is to keep your Estrogen between 20-30 pg/ml for the entirety of your cycle, regardless of what dosage of AI is necessary to achieve that. WebIm on: 175mg a week of sustanon (25mg ED subq) 250iu HCG M/W/F. I've been on both 125mg and 150mg dosage to experiment with. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Doc prescribed me 0.25mg Anastrozole 3x a week after blood work came back with good test levels but high oestradiol. Second cycle you could bump up the test to 400 or 500 mg per week and still see nice gains. Which Aromatase Inhibitor you should choose and the dosage you use should be based on your own individual propensity to aromatization, what your blood work indicates, the dosage of the aromatizing drugs you are using, etc. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So, if theres not as much test circulating in his system as it hasnt fully built up yet, there wont be as much Estrogen in his system. Not looking looking significant muscle gain, more interested in strength, slight increase in aggression, increase competitiveness, faster recovery, and overall athletic performance. I don't feel like death all the time. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Would lowering the ai maybe help, or even just getting off of it and using it when I get high E2 symptoms work? - Everyone is different and more is not always better. If I wanted to keep my I think its Jan 16, 2015. Archived post. Hey guys, newbie to AAS here and wanted to run my cycle by you guys and see if you have any feedback or changes you would make. Reply [deleted] Additional comment actions Id want it separate as well. Most definitely not 1mg of Adex a day that's over kill. Obviously the requirements will vary individual to individual dependent on your own genetic predispositions, but nobody would EVER need 1 mg of Arimidex everyday for TRT, and if they did they would be an extreme genetic outlier scenario, and even in a scenario like that I would bet money their Estrogen was actually in the toilet, or their Arimidex was fake/underdosed. Depending on where you live, getting prescribed TRT for insufficient natural Testosterone production is a challenge in itself (many doctors will tell a 21 year old they are fine and healthy even if their blood work indicates their Testosterone is equivalent to the normal of an 80 year old geezer). Either drop the HCG or lower your test dose. Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE. So, basically, if he knows what the point of having Arimidex is in a cycle, you would think hed realize the point of Arimidex is to keep your Estrogen in check. Ive done all my research, but I want to get rid of my last bit of uncertainty before actually starting. I've been on TRT for around 5 months now.

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