Prior to Penguin, she worked at a global public relations agency in consumer . I dont want to give any spoilers by going into detail on specifics, but suffice to say that theres a lot of unfortunate events throughout the book. The next morning is peaceful, and Blythe heads to the park with the kids. So, lets unravel the mystery and try to make sense of what really happened in The Push. See the archives. The author captured it beautifully and so accurately in the beginning. When Violet asks about the poison sign on the bottle of bleach (and whether it could kill someone), Blythe calls Gemma to let her know. She keeps screaming at Cecilia until Henry comes in. It was an interesting read. However, one day as Blythe crosses the street, Sam's stroller rolls into the intersection and he is killed. Blythe neglects to tell Fox the full truth about her distant relationship with her father. However, Blythe is an unreliable narrator, and the . For the next few months, Blythe is exhausted. I can't read books right now where kids die. Violet didnt care much for Sam, but Sam adores Violet. One of the messages she urgently conveys is, after all, that this reproduction business does not end simply, or easily - or, indeed, ever. When confronted, Violet denies doing anything bad. Fox has a son, Jet, with his new wife, Gemma. Near what would have been Sams birthday, Violet shows Blythe a viral video of a womans heroics preventing her son from harm multiple times. Blythe thinks Violet is violent and lacks empathy, but Fox thinks Blythe's insufficient love for Violet is the problem. Blythe ends up watching their house to catch glimpses of her. I can relate to this, but I try not to find out. Blythe realizes that she misses the friendship. They take a family holiday photo. (It sounds like shes hoping Violet will come and be curious about her the way she was curious about their family. Afterwards, Blythe tells the police this, but Fox insists it was an accident. By the time Violet is six months old, Blythe still has hemorrhoids, and she talks to her doctor about she and Fox have not had sex in a long time. Blythe discards any writing from before Sams death and starts anew. One day, Blythe is having a silly moment with a delighted Violet, and Fox sees this. As the arrive at an intersection, Violet takes both hands and yanks at Blythes elbow causing her to spill her coffee. The strongest part of this book is the perspective of new motherhood, and just how awful the dichotomy of it can be. Later, Violet finds a book Blythe had been reading about how to move a marriage past an affair. What makes this book such a compelling read is its ability to provoke strong emotions and spark meaningful conversations. Cecilia grows up and meets a man named Seb. All the women from her prenatal class merely talk about how rewarding motherhood is. When Cecilia left for good, Mrs. Ellington stepped up to provide Blythe with some stability in her life. Soon, she begins to wonder if there's something genuinely wrong with her daughter, Violet, though her husband insists it isn't true. He is supportive and thoughtful. Violet throws a tantrum and ends up biting Blythe on the cheek. There, Blythe meets a woman named Iris, who she likes immediately. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Good call above on the "Push" title. A woman observes a house where a family of four lives. They watch a movie and laugh together, and Blythe feels sad about how rare these moments were with Violet. . The Push is a tour de force you will read in a sitting, an utterly immersive novel that will challenge everything you think you know about motherhood, about what we owe our children, and what it feels like when women are not believed. Instinctively, Cecilia hides the truth of what happened from her father. Blythe recalls her earliest memory from childhood (of herself in a stroller), and she wonders what her son Sam would remember. Despite the difficulties she has faced, Blythe has not given up on her daughter or herself. When Blythe suggests couples therapy, Fox suggests that Blythe should see someone by herself instead. Inspire others by sharing your book on this blog. But Gemma tells Blythe that Violet didnt push Sam. I thought, Im not really interested in this, but its relatively short so whatever. Would you feel differently about this book or these characters if there was no epilogue (the a year and a half later part)? Publication Date: January 4, 2022. As Blythe grieves, she stays in bed. Cecilia flips out. She starts casually sleeping with a man, a not particularly successful literary agent, but she suspects hes also interested in having her write something that he could monetize. Blythe is concerned, noting that she has been cruel to other kids, while Fox brushes it off as a developmental phase where she is testing boundaries. I hope you enjoyed this ending explanation for The Push by Ashley Audrain! The next day, she tells Fox that she hates her mother and only want to live with him. On Foxs birthday, Blythe purposely skips out on his breakfast plans. The Push WILL make you feel uncomfortable in exploring that question, in a very necessary kind of way. Required fields are marked *. Thus, it appears Violet really may be a psychopath and Blythe, vindicated. Violet looks disappointed to see her and continues to sleep. 3. Blythe starts thinking that perhaps its time for her to let it go. I read this in one day, and it felt very effortless. After that, Blythe stops taking his mothers calls. . Coraline: Your mother is made of buttons. Henrys sister suggests boarding school for Cecilia to get her away from Etta, but Henry disagrees. Seb insists they have the baby (Blythe). I agree! Blythe enters, but quickly leaves. Mrs. Ellington admits that she is sad and that it was a little girl. Blythe is shocked, knowing that the baby mustve been born in June, considering how Fox only moved out in January of that year. All rights reserved. (Much later, Blythe continues to feel guilt over her actions when she recalls what happened and remembers the shame over being found out.). After a particularly grueling day of kicking and screaming, Fox agrees to three days of day care a week. After Cecilia is born, Etta is remarried to Henry, a nice man who manages a candy factory. The Push is a book that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. She finds Violets bracelet on the ground. Sounds a bit dark for me. When they get home, Blythe tells Seb about it, and he asks to see the card. Fox has a son, Jet, with his new wife, Gemma. Blythe suspects something is wrong with Violet, but Fox clearly thinks Blythe is the problem. The Push kept me guessing. At the end of the day, The Push is a compelling novel that pushes us as a society to talk more about the darkest sides of motherhood and to be open to more interpretations to how women are supposed to feel about motherhood. Paperback: 336 pages. Violet has trouble getting along with other kids and there's incidences of violence towards them, too. Its a psychological thriller that makes social commentary and really makes you think about motherhood, including its darkest sides. If this summary was useful to you, please consider supporting this site by leaving a tip ($2, $3, or $5) or joining the Patreon! Talia is secretly dating Colin (Jasper Newman), Sloan Petersen's (Jessica Serfaty) vengeful brother.. How reliable of a narrator do you think Blythe was? College sweethearts Blythe and Fox Connor have a charmed life and romance. Blythe Connor is reluctant to become a parent . Fox also makes a comment about Blythe calling his mom about his job resignation, and Blythe knows that Foxs mother told him about their call. Blythe Connor is a woman who had an abusive and uncaring mother, so shes determined to be the best mother for her own daughter, Violet. Before he leaves, Fox also admits to something from a long time ago. I'm always impressed when an author can keep me on edge until the last sentence of the book. Blythe lets go of the stroller, and Violet pushes it into the road. Do you think Gemma was always being truthful with Blythe about her feelings for Violet? Yes, only on the internet and to answer where the internet would be without people asking question about books, the obvious answer is without Goodreads :-). Nothing comes of it, and Blythe is forced to move on, her husband left her for another woman, they have a child together, Violet continues to hate her own mother. Soon, she starts to resents Fox for seeing her solely as Violet's caregiver, and Fox thinks Blythe is deficient as a mother. Fox has a son, Jet, with his new wife, Gemma. Before the book ends, Blythe has a moment of clarity and realizes that Violet has been trying to communicate with her in her own way. How did you think things were going to play out with Violet as the book went along? The first time Violet smiles is with Fox, who continues to insist she just needs to relax with the baby. Blythe notices the other things that are now missing from her relationship now that Violet is getting Foxs time and attention, like how they no longer do crosswords together. Blythe explains her version of the story. Then, in the final lines, she learns from Gemma that something has happened to Jet (with the implication that it was Violet's fault.). Sorry for that. The ending itself was predictable. She was determined that when she had . Violet never goes to see her. Blythe recalls her parents arguing when she was 8. Cecilia cant imagine going back home to where Etta killed herself, so she has the baby. Afterwards, Blythe recalls how Violet had inquired about how streetlights work the weekend before. In the final chapters, its suggested that Blythes mental state has worsened, and she may be at risk of harming herself. He suggests joint custody over Violet, and Blythe agrees. After Fox moves out, he is careful not to let Blythe meet Gemma even though Blythe is curious. So, perhaps Violet really isnt a bad child after all, and its Blythe who is an unreliable narrator of this story. Gemma says that Jet ended up with a blade that mustve come from her house. However, Talia has also gotten to know Chanel Dupree (Raven Bowens) and Paulina Price (Jacke Harry) on a personal level since she came . How so and why do you think things turned out differently for her? Blythe and Violet both survive, and Blythe learns to be a better mother: A third possible interpretation of the ending is that Blythe and Violet both survive, and Blythe learns to be a better mother. But one fateful night Ryle finds Atlas's number and goes in a rage. Yeah the internet has gotten really weird. Another possible interpretation of the ending is that Blythe confronts her own trauma and finds a way to move forward. After the divorce, Fox has custody, but Blythe has visitation rights. Even when Cecilia is seven, she still clings to her doll, Beth-Anne. Its not the most unpredictable ending, but whats so haunting about it is the chilling truth that Violet is the culmination of generations of parental trauma. The girl leaves cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. Blythe readily agrees. Your email address will not be published. It occurs to Blythe that Fox left her for a woman that he thought would be a better mother, the kind of woman you always wanted. Cecilia knows she is not meant for motherhood, but during her pregnancy wonders if her feelings are changing. Seb insists they have the baby (Blythe). For all of these reasons, it also makes a great book for book clubs that want a really provocative discussion.

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