Thanks so much for posting your experience. I am so glad I had it done. Im also wondering what my energy level will be like afterward, as well as the scar. The incidence rates vary widely depending on the follow-up period and on how Also is bad timing since I just started a new job 3 weeks ago. Conclusion: * Controlled for age, sex, and comorbidity. Thank you. I was pleasantly surprised that the surgery and recovery was not bad at all. . Things were super easy with the surgery and recovery, except my energy has not returned. They said its for precaution. Any help would be greatly appreciated. well i was just tired of laying around bcuz im a very active person. Text Size. Even my ears hurt. Ive always been an active person and after surgery I just cant do anything like I used to. The post op test result also came back benign. Surgeon did not want to make a freeze test during surgery to decide if the total should be done the results from those tests are not reliable enough to make a decision of that magnitude. There is a technique called radiofrequency ablation I hope to be a candidate for, if not I will have 1/2 of my thyroid removed. They came back quicker and bigger after each draining. Much. I started with a large nodule which grew to about 7 cm over 3 years of ultrasounds and biopsies (benign). Not even a whisper. I just ordered ScarAway today. I just looked over my ultrasound report and it says its pushing the trachea to the right. Can anyone help? My TSH numbers are fantastic. I have my fingers crossed for you that it is not cancer. Hi, I am planning to get my partial thyroidectomy done soon for my indeterminate thyroid nodule on my right lobe. Of the 2,584 respondents, 988 (38.2%) reported much worse or somewhat worse energy and 1,310 (50.7%) reported moderate to very severe fatigue. You may need to take medicine daily to keep your thyroid hormone level steady. A couple years ago doc switched me to Levothyroxine as TS Just got tested and I have a free t4 of 1.6 (0.8-1.8) a total t4 of 13.9 (4.9-10.5) and a tsh of 0.4 (0.4-4.5). My partial surgery was 9 Feb 2017 ; tonight had to do back to ER for neuropathy left hand, wrist while cooking me a lite supper . The surgery itself is pretty easy. I was leaned backward for 4 1/2 hours so it explains why I was so sore. I just had a partial thyroidectomy and so far thyroid level is fine no med required. I was told that all surgery is minimally-invasive if you have a good surgeon because they will get in and out quickly with minimal damage. After thyroidectomy, some people may experience neck pain and a hoarse or weak voice. Do you now have to take thyroid replacement hormones? Post Operative Expectations. Im looking forward to a full recovery, and hopefully negative for cancer. I was so nervous prior to surgery, but it was a piece of cake. Also, make sure you ask all your questions and have family member go with you for the surgery. so i did & they did a FNA wich was done thru some company Afirma $6,500! He wants to remove my right thyroid (partial thyroidectomy) due to a 6cm BENING nodule as per my biopsy and an ultrasound. Now, my throat feels better. Could I have Hoshimoto's with normal antibodies? Multivariable logistic regression analysis determined characteristics associated with the report of worse energy level at 2 to 4 years compared to before treatment and current fatigue severity using adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Hi, Dawn, I would stay off of other websites. Last updated on Apr 2, 2023. It is offered where I had my surgery but I was never given the option probably due to the size of my node. I had a partial thyroidectomy 3 days ago. That turned out to be benign. Its nice to read about your experience with this surgery. Any advice pls. It shocked me. Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex. Before hand I was absolutely terrified but this gave me some comfort that life after Thyroidectomy isnt that drastic a change. Patti, what did you decide to do? that I think Id rather take my chances and do a partial (less risky surgery, 80% chance of not needing synthroid, and 80-85% chance that honking big nodule is totally benign anyway). After a week I think even I was driving again and running errands. I was very anxious about what to expect after the surgery, especially after reading horror stories on the net. PTH anywhere from 80-110. My thyroid levels have remained the same since surgery with no change in weight. I was back to full productivity during weeks three and four but I did need naps and was still unable to exercise. A miracle finding them by accident and a miracle getting my voice totally back!!! My voice was a bit funky for a few months but it resolved itself. Epub 2019 Jul 6. I wont need to take thyroid medication. Two surgeries together into one. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. I did the legwork on that one for you.). Today he suggested I get the right thyroid removed. In addition to multi-toxic goiter, I have hyperthyroidism. The majority of patients were treated with total thyroidectomy with or without nodal dissection (total thyroidectomy with lymph node removal [49.3%] or total thyroidectomy [38.3%]). Extreme Fatigue post thyroidectomy bigmama2336 I had total thyroidectomy 6-12-2012. My primary problem was hyperparathyroidism caused by an adenoma on one of my parathyroid glands. 2022 Oct;30(10):7903-7911. doi: 10.1007/s00520-022-07225-w. Epub 2022 Jun 21. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Waking up was ok, still under the painkiller from the op. The edema went away after about 5 days. Some tout a minimally-invasive technique with very small incisions. Hi Amelia Its only 2 months it should go away your throat is still irratated from the surgery. My thought its the healing process. Doc suggested I have total thyroidectomy. Im glad you mentioned the silicone scar padsI will definitely use those. The endocrinologist who just checked me told me that "everything is ok" and to go for another check up in December the range is TSH 0.35-5.50, t4 free 0.80-1.80 and t3 free 2.20-4.20. thanks! My PTH has been elevated as well as my Calcium. Since your calcium and PTH is still high, it sounds like you might have had a second one that is still in there, or perhaps a healthy gland was removed and the original adenoma is still present. I also work full-time and have no idea what to say to my office. This option may be indicated if a thyroid nodule is small and localized to one side of the . Went back to work today January 6th for 7 hours (Im a hairdresser) felt great, drove myself and had enchiladas for dinner. Hi, Kimberly, My surgery was about 1 1/2 hours. By week two you will be fine. I had 3 biopsies all of them benign but the surgeon ENT has booked me for a surgery at the end of November. My throat always seemed goopy and I would take menthol cough drops to help clear it. Otherwise, my surgeonsaid people are back tonormal pretty much at about the six week mark. My doctor had be do a biopsy, the radiologist said it looked cystic to him, and then it came back with a suspicious for malignancy diagnosis. I wanted to share my experience from the UK after surgery because this thread helped me tremendously in the days running up to my op when I was panicking. I'll request all this blood work! I had no idea what to expect. It was very difficult for me because I felt horrible every day due to no energy. Im petrified to have my whole thyroid removed as Im afraid to take medication for the rest of my life and long lasting symptoms. Please keep me posted on your progress. My dr sent me for blood test, again it was normal. my dr said with 1/2 u are like normal, calcium levels should be fine nothing changes. I just received the call from my Endocrinologist that I have to have a left lobe partial. . The scar faded so nicely that Im not even sure I needed it. My doctor advised having it removed. Praise God! Go back for post op appt 9/4. since early 50s. I think weight gain is a common worry. Though benign and while nodules containing liquid can be drained, they will continue to refill and grow. Ive read so many scary posts about managing hormone levels and poor quality of life issues after full thyroid surgery, etc. Surgery was quick and surprisingly painless as I did not have to take even Tylenol after surgery. I just had my surgery in January and it was as though you were taking the words right out of my mouth. In 2014, a scan that revealed slight growth to 4.2cm so I received a very pointed letter from my endocrinologist that basically said, You need to get this removed as soon as possible. OK. Then came meetings with multiple surgeons. Thanks again for the supportive and informative comments! I was very nervous before the surgery but I am glad I went through with it. then since my left love didnt have cancerous cells i need the right side taken out & that will be on May 17. so just stock up on apple sauce, jello, soups etc. My voice was fine after surgery, just a bit scratchy. So if youre due to have this surgery, good luck and I hope mine and other peoples experiences can help to calm your nerves. Hi, Bern, Good luck with your surgery. Health Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 10;6(1):e1018. Good info. So they took out the left lobe and it did turn out to have a follicular carcinoma in it. Thanks to this test they were able to see that although the cells in my nodule were not malignant yet, that they were mutating and had a 60 percent chance of becoming cancer; which is why my endocrinologist felt the need to approve my surgery. Im actually still tired 4 weeks out, but I think I need to have a thyroid test to make sure my right lobe is functioning fully. The coughing has irritated my throat/voice even more. Anyone feel like you have a constant thing tied around your neck thats the only thing thats bothering me. He was awesome. Thankfully since I worked in healthcare, I recognized the symptoms after a day of being home and my doctor saw me right away and gave me a prescription. Make sure you talk to multiple doctors. I have noticed some tiredness. Anyone have similar experience? In the weeks after your thyroid surgery, you may have neck pain, soreness of your vocal chords or a weak . Is this normal?? My calcium is fine this is not due to calcium, but rather to the nerve stimulator used during the surgery to protect the Lyrangeal nerve. I felt pretty good but took it easy for about 2 weeks. Younger age, history of depression, thyroid hormone suppression (odds ratio 1.48 [confidence interval 1.21-1.82]), and receipt of radioiodine (odds ratio 1.31 [confidence interval 1.10-1.56]) correlated with worse energy. Hello everyone, I have a 1cm nodule on my right lobe. I had an appointment 6 months post op to have my levels checked. Thank you so much for this reply! You may be given pain medicine after surgery. Is it safe to apply any of the scar treatments at this time? You should be able to swallow pretty much anything but your doctor will tell you what youll be capable of. You will experience some discomfort at the incision site as well as a raw or sore throat from the breathing tube that . Didnt feel any pain and no complications. The presence of low serum calcium levels for >3 months after thyroidectomy was associated with worse energy (odds ratio 1.26 [confidence interval 1.02-1.54]) and substantial fatigue (odds ratio 1.49 [confidence interval 1.21-1.84]). The surgeon has decided that there are some suspicious features and has recommended a partial thyroidectomy to take a closer look. The reported incidence of hypothyroidism ranges from 5% to 49%, with most between 15-30%. Thank you for posting. I recently had mine removed and a neck dissection, apart from post surgery tiredness during immediate recovery I'm fine in that respect now. I have a cystic thyroid nodule on my right side that was first discovered in 2013 or 2014. Apologies for the late reply. Following surgery, you may experience: Voice changes, such as, a hoarse voice, difficulty in speaking loudly, voice fatigue, and a change in the tone of your voice. It is comforting to hear other stories and know others out there have gone thru the same thing. The .gov means its official. Keep in covered if youre outside. Im going in to have my left lobe removed next week and I wondered if anyone had problems with weight gain after their surgery? Sometout a minimally-invasive technique with very small incisions. Theres several weeks between now and your surgery and you need to get some rest! Good luck! TSH .397 and FreeT4 2.04 Getting glucose under control. A partial thyroidectomy means your thyroid gland can produce some thyroid hormone. As a result , on August 9th I had done the surgery and results were Benign and now Im recovering. I am one day post op. And before rushing to anything drastic, I tried in vain natural remedies. Dont worry about weight gain, medication (which many people take and do great with), and things like this, I would just focus on getting things in order so you could take a few days off after surgery to rest. I was told in advance that if I felt the slightest bit nauseous upon waking up that I needed to let them know so they could get ahead of it. I am SO stinking tired it;s frustrating! And God forbid I cough swallowing is still a little tender. It has only been 4 days since surgery. It turned out to be large and more extensive than he had imagined. It never did so I used nail polish remover and a Q-tip to break the bonds and get it off (per the surgeons recommendation) no big deal. You will be so glad when this is behind you. I am trying Extra strength Tylenol for it now and it seems to be as good as the Norco without the side effects. I probably read it 3 times per day just to assure myself that people did fine with the surgery. Thank you so much! The sooner you have it removed, the sooner you can move on. Hi, Jenny, I am ten months out from a hemithyroidectomy. Mine was almost like yours. I was awakened out of my sleep coughing with a burning and choking sensation in my throat. I am in San Diego, who are the top surgeons here? I still have not needed medication though there are times Ive wondered if I do, but my schedule is also a lot different now (more active) so I wonder often if Im just plain tired like a normal person. The one thing I do notice is that Im tire easily. We investigated the adequacy of our thyroid hormone . Easy. i asked my dr during post appt & he said one gets tossed around a lot during surgery :0/ what the heck. I have a solid nodule 1cm only. Yes, I slept in my lazyboy for a couple of nights because it was more comfortable that laying down. If you dont feel right, or if you are experiencing any unpleasant side effects, say something. Eating get normally. I could put this off and re test again but the cells will never be normal and can only turn cancerous over time. She had me buy over-the-counter, professional grade silicone strips. Ive also experienced random days of energy. Its been almost 5 months since my surgery, and the scar is hardly noticeable. They were unable to biopsy twice by aspiration. To avoid any strain on your neck wound you shouldn't lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after thyroid surgery. I had migraines for a few days after and still have a slightly hoarse throat. I have to do a lot of talking in my business and my voice gave out on me after an hour. My appetite is also currently non-existent which is a bonus for me because it means Im shedding a few excess pounds! You and your surgeon will decide the kind of surgery that is right for you. Im nervous because Ive been a little ill this week, but since there is no fever, they are proceeding as scheduled. My mother was just diagnosed last month with breast cancer and had her surgery the week before my biopsy. You deserve to feel well. I like to do either Barre or Power Yoga daily and will really miss it. The minute I woke up from surgery, I was using my voice with no problem. I am scheduled for a partial tomorrow afternoon. Had a partial thyroidectomy Oct 25th for initially suspected nodular Papillary/Follicular thyroid cancer. But, since my gum graft surgery recap seemed to help so many people, I thought Id share my partial thyroidectomy experience. I was told that is a much more complicated surgery and recovery. My doctor offered a similar option. Mostly, I feel fine at this point though I definitely notice when I over do it (because I spend the next day in bed sleeping all day). I have a small nodule on the left so my concern is they may decide to take the whole thyroid. So far, my levels have been fine. All in all, not a terrible thing to go through. I gained this weight within a few short months. Maybe ever so slightly hoarse for a few days. Be prepared to feel a bit tired for a week or two. My hormone levels all test within normal range and I have half a thyroid. The day after surgery, I noticed neuropathy in my right hand and wrist and began wearing a wrist splint for the nerve pain. Sometimes I just get anxious out of the blue. Benadryl was immediately injected into my IV. Lt 3.9 cm nodule. Hi You are right this forum has been a godsend and you have been so amazing, compassionate and kind. This was my first surgery so was nervous! I just need to hit the gym! The pillow pile on the bed is helping but any movement hurts right now. I would say 2 to 3 weeks of feeling a bit tired before you feel back to normal. My incision was closed with stitches that would dissolve behind some kind of surgical tape that was supposed to fall off in 10 days or so. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. A robotic surgery means incisions are made in your chest and armpit, or higher in your neck. My numbers are all supposedly normal but within the very bottom of the range. I also have normal thyroid function. hi maria, dont be nervous everything will be fine.. theres a lot of post in the we that exaggerate the procedure. There wasnt too much downtime and my husband was permitted to hang with me. so you can imagine im biased towards skipping a second one. the only thing is the my 1 inch insicion is super itchy sometimes but i keep out of the sun & use a light scarf.Best of luck on your surgery, think positive & take care of yourself ? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A month later I ended up in the emergency room because I hadnt been unable to catch my breath since this surgery, and I was so frustrated. I because really tired so was glad to have a second recovery week. Sounds like we all have the "tired" symptom, but It's good to know that it can get back to normal, I just have to be patient and see. Karla were you as tired as some people are saying after? "Voice problems after thyroid surgery can significantly reduce quality of life," says Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD. Neck was sore just like they told me it would be from the angle during surgery. Thank you for sharing us. I am a bit nervous other than visual of the lump NEVER pain until biopsy(its benign) has anyone ever had this doctor in there surgery. I am going to have a partial thyroidectomy this fall, and my doctor did a biopsy a few weeks ago just to get an updated reading (biopsy results were benign a year ago). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The standard dose for one person very well may not work for another. So thats without pain meds from 7:00 am this morning! My right lobe was 7cm x 5cm x 4cm which is huge. Hi, I had a partial thyroidectomy and lobectomy 8 weeks ago today. It was cancerous, so Im glad I had it removed. This seems kind of unlikely to me given the pain Im in right now even despite the 10mg doses every 4 hours. To manage stress, try to pick up something you like and do it till the day before surgery. So what to do???? But if you think in this way you will lose your mind and stability. I could do a little bit here or there during the second week, but not much. My hormones were fine, I had no symptoms so my endo still believed observation was the best course of action. Be alert to any new symptoms that may point to hypothyroidism. Thoughts?? On the table he offered me the option to take the half, do a test there and if it was bad or unsure, that he would take the whole thing. , THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POSTS! I also had a benign thyroid nodule that had been slowly growing so he conveniently removed it at the same time. Hi, Don, Your experience is similar to mine (one year ago). You will have blood tests to check your calcium and thyroid hormone blood levels. I also used bio oil and dermastine when the scar healed. The first week or so until i had the bandages removed i was a little sore but generally felt ok.Once i went back to work I began to have other "symptoms" and i have been trying to decide if i am crazy. Mine was also benign and 5cm when it was discovered. Let me know if you have any other concerns. My doc also suggested placing papaya skin on the incision to help with healing and said hes seen people completely heal without a scar. If joint or muscle pains or fatigue are getting in the way of your exercising, it may be time to check your thyroid hormone levels. I have no energy and my voice is strained easily , frustrated. I find that it helps relieve pain quite a bit and gives your head a little extra support when sitting in a recliner for example. Well that test was useless it came back inconclusive so the only way was to do 1/2 thyroid removal. I was just starting to have the symptoms you described when I had mine removed. I did and I counted off 22 seconds which wasnt too bad). Hi, Molly, I agree with your doctor. Thanks a lot for those testomonies. Dont fool around with this. I was pretty much useless during the first week. But, everyone heals differently. I have a friend who was an assistant for an endocrinologist and she kept saying its the months later that may shock you. This message board is very helpful to everyone and your details will be very helpful to others. Surgery went well! I didnt have these problems before. Over the past couple of weeks I've been experiencing sudden onsets of exhaustion during the day and extreme fatigue even after 12hrs sleep. I feel absolutely fine, but Ill report if the levels are still normal. Thanks all so much!!! Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress among patients with thyroid cancer during transitional period in China: a cross-sectional study. Not sure if I should postpone my surgery until after. Im going in on Friday morning. I had my left thyroid removed in December, 2008 because of a nodule. Most recently, it had grown to 7 cm and still benign. For 20 years I took Armour and it worked great. Hello, I am on day 6 of recovery from a left thyroid lobectomy. Change in worry over time among Hispanic women with thyroid cancer. 2022 Jun 28;13:875325. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.875325. The site is secure. I was worried about all of the above just as you areespecially voice and weight. My eyes are swollen and my nose is blocked and my throat is now croaking. Thanks so much, Linda. This may be a short-term problem after surgery, or it may be a long-term problem. Im about 5 months post-op now and feeling great I enjoy yoga even more now because I dont have that heavy nodule getting in the way during any type of head inversion. I have a thyroid function test in 6 weeks to see if the remaining lobes function would suffice. Losing weight to get control of blood sugar. I know a lot of people travel to Tampa for him and Im having a partial thyroid lobectomy done by him on Monday. The pain is manageable but not fun. I had only the right side removed on March 16th. My neck did feel weird and I didnt drive for 10 days. The experience was not half as bad as I imagined! The other nodule apparently grew 1 mmso now 1.3 cm. Im thinking of trying it. Im thinking it would be considered a partial thyroidectomy, because the right side is surgically absenti. It is uncommon, but when it occurs after thyroidectomy, it is usually associated with Grave's disease. I, too, have a need for a partial thyroidectomy and am pretty scared, unsure what to expect, etc. (2) Lisa, I hope you went thru with the surgery. Good luck to all going thru the same thing. Back at work after a week if you want to be but I would give it two to be sure. Mine was 7cm benign. I caught the worlds most horrible head cold that week so I received an okay to take my normal cold medicine. Good luck! I had this growth for over forty years and it was continuing to grow around my esophagus, my windpipe and under my collarbone. Im also thankful for this thread. Whats the timeline like for fatigue going away? He did, however mentioned that on surgery day hell have a pathologist on site to check my complete thyroid and if he sees something abnormal he will do a complete Thyroidectomy. Abstract Background: Fatigue after thyroidectomy is common, but there is a paucity of data regarding its prevalence and duration. I have a consult in a few weeks. My nodule was approximately 5cm, and was causing hyperthyroid symptoms (tremors/heart palpitations/anxiety/etc). Rationale: Contraindicated after partial thyroidectomy because these foods inhibit thyroid activity. Hi Linda, I think that doing the surgery twice would be a bigger risk due to potential anesthesia issues.

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