FREE Fine Tune AI Models with Unsloth + Ollama in 5 Steps!
unsloth install !?! @unslothai does support Linux and WSL, so with no WSL is definitely a first! Install instructions for Windows pinned on their profile! Make sure to update your transformers installation via pip install --upgrade transformers See the snippet below for usage with
To install Unsloth on your own computer, follow the installation instructions on our Github page here You will learn how to do data prep, how to train, GPU支持:建议使用NVIDIA显卡,显存至少10GB。 安装必要的Python库: pip install torch transformers datasets peft accelerate pandas Unsloth框架在
To install Unsloth locally on Conda, follow the steps below: Offline installation of unsloth package¶ This notebook offer offline installation of unsloth package In : link code !git clone https: